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Jagdeo is MIA

May 28, 2015 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

When people get a dose of dem own medicine dem can’t swallow it. It bitter like gall or no good fuh dem soul. But dem like give people medicine. Jagdeo and he friends was de best at giving medicine. Dem give de whole country dem medicine fuh fifteen years only to find out de other day that dem can’t tek it dem own self.


Jagdeo is de first one fuh get he own dose. He is de one that instruct Donald Dumb fuh charge de only two legitimate remigrants in Guyana that brought in duty free vehicles.


De people didn’t even know that dem get blacklist and couldn’t leave de country. Is when dem tun up at de airport to go fuh a medical appointment in de States dem get stop from leaving de country.


Dem boys can’t stop laughing on to now from de time dem hear de nice gyal magistrate tell Jagdeo he can’t lef de country and if he want lef, he go to ask she.

Karma is a bitch.


Dem boys seh wha go round does come round one day. And it does come rounds ten times wuss. De Creatah don’t sleep and he don’t forget. How you treat people is suh you gun get treat. If you treat dem wid evil, wicked and nasty is that same treatment you gun get.


Dem boys seh that he suh shame that he don’t even come out he mansion fuh de security see he face. He cry suh till he face swell.


Monday, when he come out de courthouse wid a fake smile, he tell de few protesters that he gun address dem properly in Berbice at de independence rally.


De rally come and gone and de people still waiting to hear from him much less see him. Dem boys believe that he skip and gone backtrack to Suriname because dem ain’t see him since he lef de courtyard. Dem boys did call de Berbice Bridge to see if he cross and come to town Monday and de tellers seh that dem can’t remember if he pass. That’s why dem boys believe that he skip de country.


And in case you forget, MIA is Missing In Action or Missing In Airport. And dem boys ain’t talking bout suicide although dem believe that suicide in de making fuh nuff of Jagdeo friends, associates and acolytes.


Dem boys hear that all of dem soo-sooing. If wha happen to Jagdeo, awe leader, awe king can happen to he is wha gun happen to we.


One of dem tell he wife, “Girl, Soulja Bai did seh if you do de crime, you got to do de time.


And it look nuff of we gun got to do a lot of time.”


Talk half and watch dem borders fuh Jagdeo and de rest.
