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Reply to "Was this the earth-moving event where Lagoo-Bagoos not invited??"

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...Miss Ivy how was de event gurl? A hear wid all de wall street big conneckshun yuh have yuh will sell Guyana aile foh Bharrat and Irfaan...hey hey hey. 

I will post some FB feedback from an attendee later today!  He wanted me to go with him but I had the other event in the evening and Christmas shopping too priority!

But, according to him, from the paid attendance, was a disaster!


Is wuh mek diss gyall twiss-up she mouth suh pun BJ?

Why are you stalking BJ page and cutting and pasting information?  That woman is a lawyer and New York politician who is running for public office.  Seeking advice from a more seasoned politician.  If she wins the election maybe you can start running her down and ask her for a job.

Bibi Haniffa