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Reply to "We should not laud the slow demise of AFC"

Anan posted:

AFC should have NEVER form a coalition with any political party. 


A PPP dominated Guyana would not have worked out for the AFC so they had to form an alliance and the only party strong enough to make a difference was the PNC.

The AFC's problem is that Nagamootoo had loose lips during the 2015 campaign, attempting to reassure the disaffected PPP supporters that they need not fear a Granger led gov't as he ultimately had the power.  I heard him say that and I watched Granger's face when he said that.  A kind of look that said "you have to be mad if you think that I will allow you to do this."

So the PNC and the GT AFC quickly moved to sideline the Berbice AFC.  While that part of the AFC did deliver campaign contributions it didn't deliver votes, nor did it have the muscle to mount proper campaigning in PPP strongholds. APNU had to bus in their supporters to these meetings.

The AFC was always weak and should have focused on strengthening its infrastructure, which would have allowed them to bring in more votes and have a better negotiating position with the PNC.

So Naga was weak as was Ramjattan and the GT AFC elites cooperated with the PNC.  And the rest is history.

The AFC didn't handle their alliance with APNU because they were too weak to do so.  Nagamootoo didn't deliver votes in 2015 from his Berbice base, couldn't prove that he had a base beyond Berbice, and every honest person knows this. 

The only hope for Guyana is if the PPP admits that its ethnic exclusionary tactics during its 23 years of power cannot sustain Guyana in the future as the Indian population is declining.   The PPP thinks that it can survive with an Indian/Amerindian alliance, but aside from votes what strength do Amerindians bring to the table? 
