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Reply to "We should not laud the slow demise of AFC"

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:

i know this because they know that AFC as a 3rd party confronting the PPP governing with a parliament minority could not prevent the major planks of the Jagdeo pillaging . . . courtesy of the much beloved Burnham constitution

The AFC was more valuable with there one seat than within the belly of any beast!!

How so?  Were things getting done between 2011 and 2015.  The PPP screamed that they had the mandate as they had most of the seats and the APNU/AFC coalition blocked them at every turn.

The point is that greed and avarice among ageing PNC and AFC geriatrics prevented the Coalition from functioning the way that it should have.  Had they not gone for that salary grab they would looked better to the Guyanese populace.  But that stunt within a mere few weeks of gaining office undermined their credibility and reduce any tolerance for subsequent mistakes made by them.  Their honey moon period ended right then.
