ronan posted:Keffer posted:ronan posted:Dave’ licking he wounds . . . he want a do-over but too shame to ask
skeldon_man rubbin he back and consoling
keffer surface and hand ‘dave’ another bagful of HUMAN sh!t this time . . . he open de ting, push he head in the bag and smell, de smell intoxicate he and he resume dancin
Keffer, in a panic, abandons his fraudulent, GAIBank platform, betting all on a ‘modified’ GNCB polemic, but forgetting that that bank (he initially claimed that both of them “evaporated” under PNC) was run into the ground by Jagdeo dem a FULL 11 years after PPP tek over . . . hmmmm?
this idiot somehow seems to feel that he can perfume over his dunceness by bleating that he has a “CMA designation” and how he know Steve Bakker
yeah we are all impressed
I do not need to impress anyone, you idiot; it is a fact that dumb-ass Burnham presided over the destruction of Guyana with his party paramountcy trash ! Worse than that, the moron thought that by showering 'perks' to his hoodlums, he would have been able to maintain his popularity. He cared none for the economic destruction that he wreaked on the nation but, worse than that, he succeeded in convincing numb-skulls like you that his actions would have benefited the nation! Furthermore, it is a fact that GNCB and GAIBank both crumbled because the freeness that was being showered on the non-productive PNC shitheads was unsustainable ! The other reality was that very few, if any at all, of the PNC parasites ever made any attempt to pay for anything that they obtained !
this latest CLIMB-DOWN must be very painful for you
but you're not really quite there yet
take a few more days, get some 'mo-better' advice, and try come back with an improved (dignity-retrieving?) Ver. 4
i'll let you know
Guyanese say - wha fun fuh lil bai is death fuh crappo, but yall big men hay [behaving like lil bai] keep throwing salt pon dem crappo and now dem gone and hide...