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Reply to "Westford, Personal Assistant freed of theft charges"

At the end of the day, the PPP will use this ruling to hammer away at the AFC during LGE. 

President Granger is pressuring them and the PPP will hammer away at the lack of proof of allegations of corruption.

It would be interesting to see how the AFC does at LGE. The AFC can no longer hang on to Grangers coat tail. 

The PPP and PNC will be the big winners at LGE. The knives and forks would be openly used at Congress Place after LGE to carve the AFC. Carib was correct about the knives and forks. 

Politics is funny business. Moses kicked the PPP in a place that hurts and now the PPP will return the favour. 

Granger is grinning from ear to ear.

I am loving all of this political drama as it unfolds.
