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Reply to "Westford, Personal Assistant freed of theft charges"

Keffer posted:
ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Redux has Parkinson's disease. He is constantly "SMFH".

note that PPP antimen want to talk bout ANYTHING but . . .

"facts" suffocating y'all

alyuh shame

keffer in hiding

Hiding from who ? A shithead like you? You have to be the Jackass of the Millennium to blame the PPP for the wasteful extravagance of the biggest dunces ever to have been spawned in Guyana; your idol Burnham and his party of dunces ! The reality was that just about every Tom, Dick and Kakahole with a PNC card was able to obtain assets and privileges that they could not have possibly dreamt about previously ! You must have been smoking, shooting up or inhaling something to allocate responsibility of the big PNC give-away to the PPP ! Was it also the PPP that spent untold millions on National Service which produced nothing but shyte ? Was it the PPP that came up with Knowledge Sharing Institute to distribute food to the nation; and which benefited on those with PNC party cards  ? Was it the PPP that devised food distribution on the basis of 'party paramountcy' ? Was it the PPP which brought the entire country and its economy to a grinding, screeching halt ? Was it the PPP that made it a criminal offence for a citizen to be found/caught in possession of even a single US dollar ? Was it the PPP that destroyed the Guyana Rice Marketing Board and the lucrative market that rice farmers were benefiting from at that time ? It matters none what the economy and political climate of Guyana was; the reality/truth is that the biggest numbskull, shit-head; the most blatant and bare-faced election rigger; your idol Burnham brought a nation with potential to its knees ! Guyanese were 1) faced with ridicule throughout the West Indies and 2) regularly asked what was preventing them from disposing of this monumental piece of excrement ! Have you forgotten that Guyana was in a tight toss-up with Haiti for the 'coveted' title of most impoverished country in the western hemisphere !How shameless can you be ? You have the temerity to present that ugly toad as someone of value to Guyana ? The same thug who started the exodus out of Guyana, the same k-k-hole who brought Guyana to the brink of starvation and total destruction !  Go back and check the records; GAIBank and GNCB were done; destroyed when PPP took office ! Keep your shitty excuses and lies for yourself and your dim-witted Burnham admirers ! Anyone who admires or showers praises on that ugly-ass toad Burnham must be in dire need of a quick brain transplant; the brain of a jackass would be a marked improvement over what you have as demonstrated by the shyte that you posted !!! 
