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Reply to "What a way to built bridges.. Thanks to Afro Guyanese."

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:

Did you not say these Afros can't even run a cake shop?

Your comments make no sense.

This is outright racialism. If Indians did similar , their businesses will be burnt and calls for boycott. 

What's stopping you Indians from doing likewise? Oh, I forgot how Indians behave like crabs in a barrel. Is this conference sponsored by the Government?

The sponsors don't seem to be from the Government.

Some folks see everything thru the Race lens,they need a bath with haldi water,that may not help.

Little do they know that there are:

1) Indo-Canadian Business club

2) Indo-American Business Club

There is another one in Amsterdam. 

Nothing is wrong having individual race organization. They are privately funded. 
