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Reply to "What is Blexit? Candace Owens explains plan to lead ‘black exit’ from Democratic Party, impact 2020"

Prince posted:

I have been saying this for a long time that democrats believe that their party is and always the best for Blacks. Even though New York is a Democratic state, Blacks should be able to learn about the Republican, Independent parties, etc. Vishnu M. is one of my fiercest opponents for not educating the elderly, minority or blacks on other parties than the democratic party. While it's right for voters to have this knowledge, people like Vish M. should invite a republican or independent representative to educate the voters on the alternatives. Voters should not be steered and be robbed of their choices. Politics must be fair and include fairness to all.


Excellent observations Prince. Guyanese have to break the shackles of Democrat enslavement. 


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