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Reply to "What Is It With Some Coolies Who Need to Deny That They Are "Indian" in Order to Be Guyanese?"

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:

nothing wrong with using "Indian" as shorthand for those of us with ancestral links to the sub-continent, but let's not get carried away with foolishness because someone like Moses Nagamootoo chooses to educate and not don the garb of abee nouveau nationalist "hard Indian" . . . shaitaan style


Thank God Indians have people like you to explain to us who and what we are and who and what we ain't. Where would coolie people be without the wisdom of non-coolies to determine and further interpret our identity for us?

u have no idea who i am or who my ancestors are, punk


one half of my family traces back to British India . . . who da f**k died and made a klown like u spokesperson for Indo-Guyanese?


Well Bhai Redux,


You obviously do not self-identify as "Indian" so it's not your problem. Leave dem "Indians" in Guyana to sort out their identity.




Shri/Herr/Mr. Shaitaan




well, let me pellucid here shaitaan, u are as unqualified as i am to lecture Moses Nagamootoo on the politically correct conventions of alyuh idle, divisive, nouveau Indian nationalism of the radical Hindutva kind


it is instructive that you chose to 'respond' with a smarmy blast at my supposed 'inadequate' ancestry and ignore what i pointed out about Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, etc.


why is that?


one gets away with your kind of klowning only for a while; shit catches up with u eventually

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