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Reply to "What Is It With Some Coolies Who Need to Deny That They Are "Indian" in Order to Be Guyanese?"

Originally Posted by caribny:
Shaitaan has been led down a wrong road and has fallen for PPP racial panic.


Nope. Hate to disappoint. I frankly agree with both sides here to a degree.


The PPP via Dr. Ramharack (a man who personally hates the PPP as I do and who is actually supporting the PPP for the simple reason that the permanent State institutions, both civil and military are overwhelmingly majority Black) is of course opportunistically demonizing Moses for making this comment.


This comment of Moses made several years ago is no surprise to me. If you can recall the many many times I have politely said Moses is not my type of Indian politician while going to lengths to not even seem to attack him. He's totally not trusted by me or by many Indians I know and will potentially not have the trust of Indian voters in this election because of his fundamentally inapposite approach to Indians. He doesn't fit. I'm even on the GNI record as puzzling you with my several statements which clearly state that I trust David Granger more on having a care for ordinary Indian people and their concerns than I do Moses, whom I like as a person and will trust as a person but can never bring myself to support and trust as a politician.


All that being said, the Coalition still retains my support because of David Granger.


I keep tellin ya'll that the Jaganites and the Jaganite philosophy are not liked among ordinary Indians. Ya'll don't like to listen when an Indian is being honest and telling ya'll things that contradict your personal long held views and analysis of tings. I suggest ya'll at least for self-interest adjust that attitude.


This is the most devastating argument employed so far against Moses. "I am not Indian" is a sentence known well to ordinary Indians and it is loathed as much as the speaker of such blasphemy.


The PPP is in Ramharack's debt for finding and publicizing this quote. And if Moses wasn't so committed to ideology (the ideology that caused him to make this blunder in the first place) he would have said something to smooth it over. But he said exactly what he meant to say. Unfortunately for him, Indians will interpret it exactly how he meant it to the Coalition's detriment. Moses does not think he made a blunder. This is the problem. He said what he believes and believes what he said. This accurately represents the Moses that people know politically. And we doan like it.


I believe redux laughed when I suggested the Coalition make a "hard Indian" argument for itself. Well, here is the PPP (who Indians think are anti-Indian to begin with) making a "hard Indian" argument against the Coalition.


Moses and his Jaganites are may cost the Coalition a victory for the simple reason that they mistake ideology for campaign strategy and they are immune to responding to the emotions of Indian people.


Ayuh try wid duh "I am not Indian" ting.
