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Reply to "What Is It With Some Coolies Who Need to Deny That They Are "Indian" in Order to Be Guyanese?"

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by redux:
well, let me pellucid here shaitaan, u are as unqualified as i am to lecture Moses Nagamootoo on the politically correct conventions of alyuh idle, divisive, nouveau Indian nationalism of the radical Hindutva kind


it is instructive that you chose to 'respond' with a smarmy blast at my supposed 'inadequate' ancestry and ignore what i pointed out about Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, etc.


why is that?


one gets away with your kind of klowning only for a while; shit catches up with u eventually

I see the inclination to be vituperative continues unabated. Incessant rambling that borders on malapropism wells like a volcanic eruption with aimlessness. I don't know why Shaitaan even engage your shallow vacuousness.

He is on point and you are being an ass. None of us have a right to tell Moses what to call himself. He has as much right to call himself a madrasse as he does indian but he must call himself a Guyanese because that is his nationality and when he does that he speak not to ethnically parochialism but for all of us. The occasion on which he is accused of being a race traitor by Ramharack of all persons.  Redux is right this is solely Indian nationalism of a most perverse kind. He is right they are philosophically hindutva. Even among most Indians this is seen as a perverse form of nationalism.
