You are as daft as that fellow Caribj. Here we are, expressing our opinions as to outcome, speculating from tenuous data and coming up with scenarios and you cone heads are speaking about who vote or not as the necessary ingredient to having an opinion!
And where in the hell do you get the idea that the PPP got 15 percent of their votes from blacks and others? Even so, does not this 15 percent makes them vulnerable since these people would be once again expected to vote against their own interest? Why do you place more emphasis on these folks remaining loyal and yet insist the 5k of the defectors from the PPP ( you said you agree with caribj) will be gleefully running home given the AFC and APNU decides to tie bundle?
(where is the scratching-my-head emoticon?)
I jut discovered why the PPP brigade aren't posting. They are laughing at the fact that the hard core AFCites are too busy attacking other anti PPP posters to have time to bother with the PPP.
Thankfully the AFC people who matter, those in Guyana, are way more sensible. I read Nagamootoo's comments and he is on the right track. Let us hope that he is able to bring others up to his level of thinking.