. . . I am in favor of a coalition that can win. Not a coalition for the sake of having a coalition. And certainly not one grounded in dreams of unicorns and pixie dust.
you are an inartful liar with convenient short-term memory issues
OK yesterday we just got the news so the reaction was understandably based on our opinions as to whether it was a good or not.
Today we have two choices. We accept the APNU/AFC coalition, or we endorse the PPP. Each will have his own reasons for doing so.
I assess Shaitaan as the type of Indian who can be brought over if people take the time to understand his concerns and attempt to address them.
The PNC for the first time ever has conceded quite a bit, and to a party considerably less powerful. Those in the AFC, with PPP backgrounds, have also buried their animosity to the PNC. There is a new experiment in the making that will indicate the degree to which coalitions can work in Guyana. Risky yes and with real challenges yes, but they have made the decision and there is nothing that a bunch of armchair prognosticators in North America can do about it.
So redux if you really want to be part of the process you really shouldn't be making me your enemy, as we both resent the PPP.
You shouldn't be making Shaitaan your enemy either. Yes Indians like him will recoil in shock at being asked to vote for a coalition headed by the PNC. But then Nagamootoo has his work cut out. If he cannot woo people like Shaitaan, who hate the PPP, then he stands no chance with the type of Indian who is sitting on the fence, who sees the PPP as damaged, but who can live with them as they are.
So I suggest that you reserve your venom for the PPP.