Let's have an adult conversation about electoral prospects and not get wrapped up in emotions.
I agree. This coalition will have real challenges and those who have childish rages when these challenges are being pointed out ought to get over it.
Nagamootoo made comments which suggest to me that he is cognizant of the fact that many of his PPP base will be confused, and clearly he plans to set them at ease. He will do so by pointing out that the Granger PNC isn't the Burnham PNC, nor is it the "mo fyah" PNC at a time when they were frustrated and so the hardline element condoned violence.
I assume that there are elements within the PNC who will tell Granger that he needs to shed his aloofness and bond with the urban grass roots of G/town and Linden, as well as the black villagers on he coast and the pork knocker communities of the interior.
Granger set the stage last year when he did outreach to rice farmers in Region 3. Nagamootoo can build up on it.
In addition, given that voter turnout has dropped by 65k over the 10 year period between 2001 and 2011 (and no this isn't just due to emigration) it is obvious that many regular voters stay home, and many young voters never registered. So outreach to these people will be important, conveying to them that a new political environment is about to be created, and that if they don't participate by voting, it will not come about.
The sight of anti PPPites arguing because some AFC fanatics are enraged that others didn't automatically follow, and might even today still has concerns, benefits the PPP.
Mitwah and HM_redux please feel free to continue to call me a racist, because I give voice to the concerns of ethnic exclusion that most Afro/mixed Guyanese fear. What you will do is to suggest to them that voting is not useful and that they ought to survive on their own devices, because the system doesn't acknowledge their concerns.
If you think that this coalition will win without a massive African/mixed turn out you are being ridiculous, so you need to tone down your nonsense. Leave that to the PPP which wants to continue to abuse Africans.