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Reply to "What the Cummingsburg Accord means for PPP crooks"

Originally Posted by Mars:

A number of Indians will leave the AFC and go back to the PPP. There is no way for the PPP to go from 49% to 45% and the PNC getting more than 45% at the same time. Just will not happen. The result will be the same as it is now with the PPP as a minority government. There is a much better chance of the opposition unseating the PPP by merging.

Why are you debating about this when the whole environment has changed?


Nagamootoo has to sell his "enhanced" role to his rural Indian base, and not just Regions 5 and 6, but to the very angry rice farmers in Regions 2 and 3, and to others in the very populous Region 4.  Will they buy it?  We will start finding out soon.


Granger will have to mount a very aggressive registration drive in Regions 4 and 10, and excite people who have completely become alienated from the political process.


And then there is the interior which the PPP only has because of a small Amerindian turn out.  There are many angry Amerindians in the interior and the challenge will be to get them out to vote.


But I have my doubts about APNU and the AFC.  They like to campaign in front of TV cameras, now they can no longer sit in parliament and pontificate.

Last edited by Former Member