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Reply to "When will the PNC gain the trust of Guyanese?"

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

So yuh don't believe in talking things over? In negotiations? Does it have to be violence?

You don't get my point do you.  Nice middle class people negotiate.  The lumpen proletariat who feel abandoned by the nice middle class people who control APNu and the AFC, don't.


So I suggest that you, Kari, and baseman who think that the future of Guyana lies in appeasing Indians because of what you claim that the PNC did to them FORTY years ago, and ignoring the most impoverished blacks, are doomed to be very disappointed.


Will you wait to negotiate at a time when Granger has COMPLETELY lost control, this when the lumpen proletariat call him David Persaud, because he doesn't fit into some idealized fantasy that many of these youths who know nothing of the 80s have of Burnham?


Guyana is headed in a fearsome direction and it is sad that too many are locked into their own ethnocentric fantasies to notice this.

You don't have any point. The Indians did not resort to street violence during the PNC rule when they were being marginalized. They waited patiently and continued praying for relief. Eventually Burnham died and Hoyte was forced to make the 1985 elections the last rigged one. Why must you call for blacks to resort to street violence?

This is a blantant lie, the East Indians burn cane, they undermined the sugar and rice industry.  The crippled the economy.
