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Reply to "When will the PNC gain the trust of Guyanese?"

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by redux:

more nonsense


it is y'all who have designed and 'created' the "trap"


let me be clear . . . what y'all are really calling for is an apology by Afro-Guyanese to Indo-Guyanese and, given our history, THAT is truly offensive!


and, as to "leave the PPP out of this" . . . u have clean lost your freakin mind!

So be it!!!


You are subscribing to  the cruel cycle of " It's awwee time now"

I bet you cant tell me why redux's response to Kari's demands, endorsed by you that Afro Guyanese must apologize to Indians is "awwee time now"? 


It is certain not "ahwe time now" in the many impoverished black communities in Guyana, nor is it for the many black professionals who have been forced to flee Guyana because of the blatant racism against them.  Yes when an Indian employer touches his head and then says "is not Burnham time now".



As we speak the excesses of the Burnham era against Indians is being replicated against blacks.  So why should black people apologize.  And given our race based politics when you say that one party or another should apologize this is what you are actually saying, whether this is your intent or not.

What is clear from you and Redux is that if the PNC apologize to the nation, it is Blacks apologizing to Indians, how stupid is that statement.


Every ethnic group   suffered under the PNC. Many intelligent blacks had to run and some even lost their lives including Dr Rodney.


Again you and Redux are no different than the hard line PPP Indians. ALL YOU GUYS ARE SEEING IS RACE AND NOTHING MORE.


I will like to see the PNC  forming or being part of a coalition Government so at least the blacks who are being discriminated  right now by the PPP will have a voice. PNC cannot win an election based on race voting , they will have to make concrete moves to appeal to non blacks.




