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Reply to "When will the PNC gain the trust of Guyanese?"

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I do not know if there is a generalized sentiment that Hoyte failed the Black population by turning power over to the PPP without negotiating proper checks and balance to Power.

The fear that black people had, as long as I can remember (the early 60s) was that if Indians ever had power they would "drive black people into the sea".  As a young child I vaguely remember the angst that the adults in the household had about the PPP and the rage that they directed towards Janet Jagan who they saw as an unmitigated racist.


So even when Burnham began to go wrong people tolerated that, fearing that the alternative was Cheddi.  By the time they had irrefutable proof that Burnham was a monster it was too late.  So many packed their bags and fled, or at least did their best to get their kids out of Guyana.


Now scroll forward to 2014.  Many black people do think that the PPP and the 3% Indian elite have driven them into the sea.  Sadly many don't understand that the average Indian is no better off. 


Guyanese are among the poorest in the English speaking Caribbean, compliments of the PNC and the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member