The PNC need to apologize for their past sins.
I stayed away from the event yesterday because I feel that Granger need to come clean and express remorse with his role and the role of the GDF in robbing Guyanese the right to an elective Government.
I heard Vishnu Mahadeo was in attendace hopefully he can fill us in with what Mr Granger had to say.
Richmond Hill, the epicenter of the Guyanese worldwide
Vish, you've been to Flatbush and Church. Why make an assertion like that?
Anyhow I'll have to call you as I've been provided by credible sources of an attempt yesterday championed by you that is below par. I'll explain.
Vish is living in his own little world.
No wonder almost every GNIer is saying he need to get polish if he wants to run for office.
Last night I met someone from the Phagwah parade and he had some very choice words for Vish.