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Reply to "When will the PNC gain the trust of Guyanese?"

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Redux - I know that you can separate reality from passion. The thesis advanced is what does it take to change Guyana's governance by removing the PPP from power or forcing them to change, and the key advanced (no, not the AFC's key) is for the majority electorate body - the Indians - to lose the mistrust of the PNC. And how? The new PNC must divorce itself from the PNC period. You take umbrage with this as only the PNC must apologize and that we are not holding the PPP culpable. that's the whole point - we don't care about the PPP, we want them to lose, so why ask them to apologuize? They hold the upper hand. Samje? Reality!!!




CaribJ, I see the same trait in Redux to unravel reality from passion. What about the PPP's electoral dominance escapes you? What about a blueprint that says pull the Indian vote away from the PPP and the combined opposition will force the PPP out is alien to your thinking? Why do you conjoin this tactic with an inference that I want to make Indians comfortable and giving the PPP a pass. You and Redux are the ones giving this PPP party a pass. Think about it. Chief says the same thing. Kzaz says the PNC cannot win by some fictitious street protest. Get into this century friend.

dude, when u want a proper response from me  . . . address me and my ideas directly


don't hide behind plenty useless, google psychology, ad hominen [same ol, same ol . . .] verbiage and conflation as a form of guerrilla 'warfare'


like chief and the lies . . . it's cowardly

....address me and my ideas directly




don't hide behind plenty useless, google psychology, ad hominen [same ol, same ol . . .] verbiage and conflation as a form of guerrilla 'warfare'


like chief and the lies





Hey Stormy, you have competition in the most inane posts on GNI

And so it goes...the dumb and the deaf pretending they can speak and hear! All of you are in line like the rats behind the piper but you do not even care about his tune.


Redux and Caribj are reviled and reticule because the reject your absurd proposition. Get it in  your silly head the only reason the PNC apology will have residence is with the racist pigs in the PPP who need validation for their sacred sense of victimization.


The PPP was out to exterminate Indians as Baseman notes. Indians were enslaved according to Yugi; there was a duglarization project chimed Cobra, Indian women were raped everyday insisted Rama and yes, the PNC even banned indian staple diet of bread, dhal and flour for rotie! They must apologize!


Get it into your ignorant head, conflict resolution does not begin in blame or apologies. It begins in investigations into the core of the conflict with particular emphasis on basic human needs. Stick your cry for an apology in your rear since the only reason for the call is to humiliate black people by validating through implicitly acknowledging all the nebulous claims to being nasty and brutish. Are you going to ask the PPP to apologize for their theft and their murder and their general obscene crookedness? Well you did not ask that question, did  you
