I'll tell ya one thing....the status quo is not winning the Presidency for APNU, and the party with the most seats IS the PPP.
So blast a PNC apology for the Burnham years but do come up with an electoral strategy to make the PPP a true minority party. Emigration and demographic change will get you there but not for another 2 cycles or so. therefore we're left with another generation of useless rantings and ravings on this here forum.
Right Cainsta?
The PPP is already a minority party. One does not have to win more than 50% plus one.
Indeed the PPP can hold the government with 34% But the reality is if they lose by anything broaching 60 percent and they want the same autocratic prerogatives, they re asking to be booted from office by popular revolt.
No one can come up with a strategy for winning if the are not involved in the planning. However, one can proffer a generalized list of things that needs to be done that makes one worthy of winning. At this point, the PNC is winning because the PPP are such corrupt and barefaced bastards.
Why do you think "I used the phrase "true" minority party. They are under 50% barely. The PPP has to be a TRUE minority party not a one-seat less than 50% minority. Comprehension is still a problem for you.