Kari, Have you seen the behavior, attitudes and actions of the PNC on the Streets and in Parliament over the last few years?? What exactly makes the PNC a NEW, moral, caring and compassionate Group?? Is there something you are aware of that the rest of us are missing? I asked these questions because many, many of us ARE aware of the PNC conduct and behavior both on the Streets and in Parliament.
Have you seen the behavior of the PPP protestor Nigel Dharamlal and company?
Let me share with you.
Hours before a protest action at Parliament recently, Permanent Secretary of the Amerindian Affairs Ministry, Nigel Dharamlall had threatened village leaders that they will not have access to his office if they supported a United Nations Development Project (UNDP)–funded Community Development Project(CDP).
And the Toshaos were told of the possibility of having their stipends being held back if they were in support of the UNDP project while being urged not to support the Opposition APNU and AFC.