Chief said it well. The adversarial position of yours Redux is not helpful to your cause,.
Every thing in your babble is about making Indians comfortable. Well did you ever think that if blacks don't trust you what ever you plan will not work? When last I checked Indians and blacks were two large minority groups in Guyana.
The PNC has a problem and that is it simultaneously has to be an opposition party, and to indicate to its grass roots base that it will defend their interests. Every thing that I have seen suggests that these people are as badly off as they have ever been.
No put this in your pipe as you smoke.
There is a growing ideology which suggests that Burnham was a hero who defended black people, and that any attempt to say otherwise is an attempt to disenfranchise them. Understand something further. The PPP has been around for 22 years. Many younger black Guyanese don't remember the Burnham era, and so look at it as a time when blacks were better off.
Ignore this at your peril because these are the people who will come out on the road and set it afire and black all economic activity.\
So continue to believe that you can ignore black people and their concerns and fears as you seek solutions for Guyana.
And please don't think that because you have a few black friends that you are an expert on AfroGuyanese! There are many conversations which are occurring which you aren't privvy to.