You don't have any point. The Indians did not resort to street violence during the PNC rule when they were being marginalized. They waited patiently and continued praying for relief. Eventually Burnham died and Hoyte was forced to make the 1985 elections the last rigged one. Why must you call for blacks to resort to street violence?
Well people in Agricola and other garrison communities in and around G/twn have done so and will likely do so again. Every time cops come in and harass them, deservedly or not, a heightened sense of alienation develops.
When I see these people in Georgetown the only other people in the Caribbean who look as impoverished and as angry are their equivalents in the impoverished communities of Kingston.
So yes G/twn is now like Kingston. Some live in shacks and others in huge mansions, and many who live in shacks don't think that they have options aside from violence to make their point. Especially as many who live in mansions provide them with guns.
So continue to indulge. Of course free elections guaranteed PPP victories given our racial voting. Now what assurance do you have to give to these people? They don't even trust the black middle class folks who run APNU.
Smart people anticipate a problem and try to deal with it before it festers. But you aren't smart so you will ignore it. And try to castigate those who warn you of it.