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Reply to "When will the PNC gain the trust of Guyanese?"

Originally Posted by KishanB:

This is a blantant lie, the East Indians burn cane, they undermined the sugar and rice industry.  The crippled the economy.

  Here is the deal.  I am not worried about violence or acts of sabotage that are instigated by party leadership, because the solution to that is achieved by getting the parties involved to the negotiating table.


I am worried when criminal elements take over communities and then develop power by instigating periodic disruption.  These aren't the nice people who are interested in bargaining.  The days that PNC operatives will openly engage in violence is long gone.  That not only turns off non blacks, but also the black middle class.


Garrison "dons" however thrive on violence as this is where their power lies.


Continue to ignore these ghetto communities in G/twn and see how quickly they become garrisons as happened in Kingston, and more recently Port of Spain.
