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Reply to "When will the PNC gain the trust of Guyanese?"

Originally Posted by KishanB:


But does Granja want to win or is he going to PASS wind like Carobin?

Don't know if you are old enough to remember 1994,  I was in G/town during the local govt elections.  By 10 AM every one knew that the PNC had lost G/town and that Hammie Green had won.


Let APNU run behind the Indian vote, which there is no proof that they will get, and ignore the black vote (which they are very good at doing) and then a low voter turn out will guarantee the PPP its majority.  Please recall 2006 when blacks boycotted Corbin because they thought he was ignoring them.



I have given you two examples about how the PNC suffered because its base felt ignored.  I can assure you that an apology by the PNC to Indians, without a reciprocal apology by the PPP to blacks, will lead to the PPP romping home, as they did in 2006.    Hammie Green won in 1994 because the black masses thought that Desi (Persaud) Hoyte had given away the country to "collie". 


Their current plight will ensure that these attitudes against perceived Indian dominance are even more entrenched.  They really don't care that most Indians are no better off than they are and that the Indian dominance which they see benefits only 5% of the Indian community.


So yes the Indian voters' fears must be addressed, but so should fears of the grass roots African voter.

Last edited by Former Member