What you are saying is not news to me neither Kari. When we are speaking about ways how the PNC can reform both you and Redux take it as offence and we have Indians at heart. If the PNC DO NOT REFORM OR AT LEAST ADMIT TO THEIR FAULTS THEN IT WILL BE DIFFICULT TO ATTRACT non black votes, plain and simple. Granger cannot want to head of the PNC and say it was okay to use the army to murder people just to steal an election.
Both you and Redux are behaving just like the PPP boys. Time and again you have the habit of saying that because we are Indians we do not know what blacks are going through. Sometimes you even go farther to say that Indians cannot speak for blacks because we are not blacks.
If this is not racist then I beg to see what is racist.
And it is also plain and simple that if the PNC apologizes to Indians and doesn't address the issue that blacks in general and poor blacks in particular feel then they will LOSE votes.
The problem with people like you and Kari is that you have this habit of taking black people for granted.
If you want the PNC to win votes then they need to stop being the party of "NO", and start being the party of IDEAS. IDEAS that will address the socio-economic concerns of ALL sectors of Guyanese.
If that is not enough to woo some Indians to their side then Indians deserve what they get. The PPP!