1. Guyanese of all classes feel threatened by what they see as social, economic and political genocide.
2. A younger generation of Guyanese are now arising. People who do NOT know what life in the 80s was all about. They hang to the myths of the early 70s when black people were better off than they are today and they credit Burnham for it. They view attempts to discredit Burnham as an attempt to discredit a black hero.
By you and Redux claiming that an apology by the PNC is an apology by blacks to Indians, you are feeding Indians the myth that every blackman was bad and was a a PNC member. Do you see how dangerous is you your stupid assumption. I repeat you are no different than the PPP coolie racists.
You know most Indians already demonize black people as PNC supporters, and I don't even know if they are wrong when we look at the votes.
Chief. Most Indians vote PPP and most blacks vote PNC. They vote because of RACE. So quit trying to put lipstick on a pig and pretend that it is pretty. If black people hear the PNC saying "we apologize to Indians" this will be seen as groveling to them.
Most of those "Guyanese" of Indian descent voted PPP, so what is your point? Obviously they are happy with them, or consider them to be the lesser of two evils. Given that they voted for the PPP then they ought to be happy with what the PPP has done for or to them. If they don't like what the PPP is doing then they ought to vote for some one else, even if it is a protest vote.
As an example I am incensed with how Cuomo is taking the NYC vote for granted as he tries to placate the suburbanites and Upstate. I will register a protest vote for some minor party to send him a message that he shouldn't take my NYC vote for granted.
Cuomo will soon have his sycophants telling us how horrible the GOP is. This will not lead to me supporting his behavior when I don't. We need to step beyond our fears. I really don't care what the GOP says, because I don't like their policies, and they will not get my support until they change. But this doesn't mean that Cuomo can terrify me to vote for him, when he isn't doing anything to earn my vote.
So if Indians don't like the PPP then they ought to register this by changing their voting habits. If they don't they will get the PPP so ought not complain about that.
BTW you got my laughing when you imply that Guyanese as a whole look to Burnham as a hero. You really ought to have checked your post before sending it. No this mythology of Burnham is confined to his former cronies, and to a young group of black people who don't know any better, and who are yearning for leaders who they don't see existing in Guyana.
And now and Kari want the PNC to grovel. Hmmm. The PPP will be happy as this will ensure that the black vote is subdued, and given who blacks vote for the PNC suffers. All on the chance that groveling might win them a few Indian votes.
Silly idea.
Why not demand that APNU develop strong policies which benefit Indian constituencies like the rice farmers. This while they develop policies for the interior, Linden, the youth, etc.
I support this and have said so. If this doesn't earn them some support from the rice farmers, then they ought to stop whining about how they are being treated.