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Reply to "When will the PNC gain the trust of Guyanese?"

Originally Posted by redux:

if there is a genuine appetite to discipline the PPP by moving them to the opposition benches, i suggest y'all stop investing in dividing the people with sly appeals for sanctification of victimhood and expend your energies educating folks about the benefits of change, strong/independent institutions, coalition building, and divided government under a proper constitution



  When caught in their poorly executed plan to have black people apologize to Indians, Kari and Chief (who present themselves as open race blind people) then squeal that it is about the PNC apologizing to everybody.


Yet their earlier assertion was that this will reduce Indian suspicion of the PNC (black people).


So clearly this is about the PNC (black people) groveling to Indians in the HOPE that this will earn forgiveness.  No mention is made of what blacks will think of such a one sided apology, not accompanied by an acknowledgement of the extreme racism aimed at their economic extermination by the Indian political and economic elites.
