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Reply to "When will the PNC gain the trust of Guyanese?"

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Chief:
.....and no where did he say Blacks must apologize to Indians in Guyana.....this if far from what Kari is addressing

Kari is either naïve or deceptive.  Our politics is racial.  The two main parties are in power because of RACE.  Kari framed the apology in a RACIAL context saying that the PNC must apologize to get Indian votes. 


So basically Kari was putting the whole thing within the context of "black man bad, Indian good, so black man has to apologize".  Then he expanded by basically saying that Indian voters hold the country hostage, because they are the largest bloc, and that they are doing fine under the PPP, because they are "survivors".


If you make comments within a tribal context you will get a tribal response.


And please don't hide behind the term "Guyanese".  We have Vishnu here parading Richmond Hill as the "center for GUYANESE activity", when he knows full well that its focus is on Indo Guyanese". In today's Guyana some people think that "Guyanese" and "Indo Guyanese" are interchangeable, and they can ignore Afro Guyanese.   I guess soon they will be calling us Bajans and Lucians and claim that we aren't true Guyanese.


Continue to ignore Afro Guyanese, or make wrong assumptions about us and we will CORRECT you!

Last edited by Former Member