after all the unctuous huffing & puffing, and nuff nuff ass smoke blanketing, neither mr Kari nor mr jalil can explain to us how the "learned" mr kari figure that 41% of the electorate voting for APNU doan trust Granger and/or are asking the "PNC" for an apology
the rest of your nonsense post duly evaporates like morning dew when sunlight hits am . . . nah suh bai?
alyuh keep tap dancing; i gat plenty mo music to play
The joke is that Granger most likely comes from the more moderate, more middle class wing of the PNC. The ones who don't like him tend to be more militant, many the residue of the Burnham era. They aren't demanding that the PNC apologizes for anything.
kari will likely not address the issue directly . . . he fully understands that i am FULLY aware of his TRIBAL, malicious, smartman intent when he oh so carefully constructed his loaded 'question':
the wicked and fallacious predicates are clear as day for all who have eyes to see
all tribal smartman, please come in
Kari isn't coming back, at least not with anything coherent. He stirred up a bees' nest and is now trying t recover from the stings.
Pity because he could have simply stated that he didn't think through the issue properly, under estimated how his request would have been seen by large numbers of black people, and that, given that both the PPP and the PNC have done bad things, their sins cancel each other out, so no apology is necessary.
He would have then suggested that the PNC take a more active role OUTSIDE of parliament, and reposition itself from merely trying to block the PPP for engaging in bad behavior to aggressively promoting implementable solutions to the problems faced by Guyanese. And in doing so taken care to move BEYOND its core support base, even into "hostile" territory, like sugar and rice farmers.