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Reply to "When will the PNC gain the trust of Guyanese?"

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Kari:


David Granger is a decent man.

So was Burnham before the power made him take advantage of others. One cannot assume that Granger wouldn't become another Burnham.

You asked in the title "When will the PNC gain the trust of Guyanese" I say that it is easier for Guyanese to give the PNC their trust than it is for the PNC to not resort to their old antics once given that power.

Kzaaaz, I'm reminded of the disclaimer on commercials for stock brokers "past behavior is not a good predictor of future performance".


Your point about it being easier for trust to be given to the PNC than it resorting to bad behavior is true and I agree. But the alternative is to accept that the PPP is going great guns - something that a whole lotta Guyanese living in impoverishment won't agree with. So it's a risk, just like in business you have to take risks before you get returns. You have to ask what mitigating circumstances are there with a PNC in government reverting to bad behavior. This is the 21st century with instant communications and a flatter world, and with civilians possessing arms. The 60s, 70s and 80s ain't gon happen again. Putin for instance may give hope to those who want to destroy this argument, but he will not even venture beyond Crimea. So I don't see the PNC government banning flour and peas, destroying the private sector, and putting all those trade restrictions and destroying freedom of the press (heck the PPP is doing a good job with the economic means of owning media nad press in "Guyna all by themselves).
