I have been on record as fearing the PNC resorting to their old habit of rigging elections if they have the chance. It did not cross my mind that blacks would resort to street violence if they don't like what they see. After reading caribny's posts, I would have to be concerned by this kind of thug behavior.
But to his credit, he is a bigger man than redux who insist that the PNC does not need to show remorse for their brutal behavior during the PNC rule. So what does that say of redux given that caribny is somewhat inciting street violence.
And note that this is not the PNC. These are disenfranchised people who have resorted to this in the past as they feel abandoned by all INCLUDING the PNC.
Now you in your ignorance can spread your bigoted crap that I am inspiring violence here in NYC. So pathetic you are to think that any one in NYC can tell people in places like Agricola what they should do when even Granger lacks the ability to control them, once they get worked up.
So kill the messenger, malign him and call him a racist....and when he is proven right what will you say then!
When you think that one side should be appeased, and that all acts should cater to their fears, and then you ignore another this is what happens.
So yuh don't believe in talking things over? In negotiations? Does it have to be violence?