The PNC cadre of ex-military campaigners in 2011 exposed the true intent and fraud of the PNC. Their open message, cheer the AFC, split the Indian vote but "come home" on voting day. When we win, we will use the military to ensure we (PNC) never ever leaves power again. A key PNC operative told me in 2011, when/if the PNC wins, the will give Finance and Economics to the AFC, the PNC will own the GDF/GPF and all aspects of law are order and foreign policy.
The PNC must never be allowed to rule over Guyana again as long as they and the military are tied at the hip. I want o trust the PNC, but cannot and no Indian should either.
the PNC must be the only set of wannabe dictators in HISTORY whose big plan to "never leave power" starts with the turn over of "Finance and Economics" to another party
baseman, you'd make a nice replacement klown for drugB if you weren't so consistently pathetic
You think all "c00lies" stupid nah. Remember, they (PNC) gave Finance to the UF if the 60's, well we know how that ended. It surely rang hallow to me at the time causing me serious misgivings about the PNC's plan in 2011. I saw history repeating itself and the Indian re-enslavement, except, no Jimmy Carter coming anytime soon.
What in the world are you talking about with this enslavement crap? When were indians enslaved except in your puny racist mind? Do you think Africans, our blended siblings, Amerinds and Indians who detest the corruopt PPP will stand by and watch these crooks ruin their lives for another two decades? If they lose another 5 to 8 points and still want to remain in power as autocrats they should be hauled out and dumped on their petards into the streets!