After the Rodney inquiery is over more than likely the commission will find the PNC responsible for his murder. Some 30 years after Burnham's death where does his party stands. Is the PNC the same outfit it was in the 70's and early 80's? They have to redefine themselves and how can they do that.
You are saying with an apology the blacks will think it is irrelevant and the Indians will confirm their claim of fear, well too bad what they think because their sorry asses have not been thinking beyond race.The blacks and Indians in Guyana cannot see for themselves other than through colored glasses. That is why today Guyana is what it is, poor and still racially divided.
Two intelligent attorneys made the first move by forming the AFC. iT WILL NOT BE AN EASY ROAD AS WE HAVE SEEN HOW THE ppp IS DOING EVERYTHING TO SMEAR THE OPPOSITION. bUT IT IS A start. Sorry for the caps.
The PNC need to clear their name now more than ever.
mr chief, you know better . . . but rather than spend time educating people, u FEED THE FEAR and THE LIES!
they say truth is the first casualty of war . . . indeed!
you are simply another barefoot spear carrier in Guyana's low-intensity race war some of y'all of a certain age NEVER STOPPED FIGHTING
riding that mangy Robb Street dankey up and down GNI must give u quite a thrill