CaribJ why are you holding on to D2 coat tails?
I started to post before him.
You and Kari need to realize that if D2 and I agree on this point, and we have had serous arguments about race in Guyana, then it means that your idea is seriously flawed. We definitely have different points of view.
Over the years you and I have agreed on more things than we disagreed, the same can be said about D2.
I am saying the both you and D2 are wrong to blame every blackman for the crimes of Burnham and a few others.
Firstly, the PNC is to the Indian, the archetype for the black man in Guyana as the PPP is to Indian. The fact that they oppressed all equally is never broached by the typical PPP supporter. To them the PNC banned dhal and flour to spite them. It is common parlance that Indian felt the PNC as the instrument of black people attempted to duglarize the population ie forcefully impregnate their daughters....I can go on listing the claims but I already listed them.
To say the PNC's apology would be to the Guyanese people is to say that pigs fly. To blacks it is irrelevant. To Indians it is affirmation to their claims against black people. It is essential food for their pathological state of chosen victims to the PNC. It matters not what you say is is your intent or thesis for this apology. It will never serve that purpose.
The PPP never rigged election, they never stole the franchise of the people, the PNC did. The PNC used very oppressive and brutal means to keep the aspirations of the Indians in check. The apology which some are demanding is to do with that, pure and simple. The fact that the PPP is incompetent and corrupt (the PNC was that also) is not a cause for an apology. They could/should be voted out if enough feels so.
Many blacks are way better off that anytime under the PNC however, there is a big poverty problem among both Blacks and Indians. Indians are not immune to poverty however, they handle it differently than blacks and that's a fact regardless how anyone try to twist and turn the story.
That being said, baseman is not in the camp calling for a meaningless and humiliating apology. I prefer to see a proud and confident PNC who is willing to push for the necessary changes and guarantees which will prevent them and the PPP from exploiting the fears among each side.
The PPP never had to rig because they can rely on their spear carrying tribals like you to bend the knees and chant their racist creed. Awee pon tap.
The rant of a fool. You just don't get it. You talk too much.