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Reply to "When will the PNC gain the trust of Guyanese?"

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The PPP never had to rig because they can rely on their spear carrying tribals like you to bend the knees and chant their racist creed. Awee pon tap.



The rant of a fool.  You just don't get it.  You talk too much.

Baseman just be honest.  If in 1964 the black population were 50% of the voters the PPP would have been very happy to rig the election and their Indian base would have supported them. 


Pure conjecture on your part.  You are creating your own music to dance.  The fact of the matter, the PPP did not, never did, IF and IF anf IF THEN is irrelevant as it NEVER happened.  So don't justify the PNC's fraud and the Afro condoning it by creating a false scenario.
