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Reply to "Where is the Guyanese public?"

Stormborn posted:
Change,  when it comes is always  revolutionary.

What further incentive is needed to prompt such change? People are being murdered daily. Poor people in Guyana are still poor despite the superficial developments of the previous admin, such poverty largely responsible for the daily murders, yet we constantly read about the growing wealth of members of every administration. We constantly read and hear about the rampant corruption and tyranny. But there is no movement by the general public to challenge the perpetrators. A good friend of mine, a former GDF officer, black GDF officer I must emphasize, took me to see the supposedly grand Durban Park, cussing the blatant disregard for public sentiment that not only allows such a travesty foisted upon the nation but encourages more because the person(s) responsible for that disappointment is still in the good graces of the administration and receiving projects. And where is the public outrage?

On another note, I need to read Kuhn's seminal work a third time before fully understanding every aspect of it.

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