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Reply to "Where is Vishnu Mahadeo?"

Chief posted:
Princess Di posted:
Vish M posted:

The mere name of his organization

Indo Caribbean Alliance


During his runup and at many Reunions and Mandirs he is publicly stating "we need to elect abee own"

Sir Vish M, this is not the correct approach to losing.  I have to agree with the good Madame Secretary Bibi, this is a low blow.  You should not castigate the entire community over the comments of a few at the Mandir.

Sir, as a community leader you should spread love and understanding and unity.  You should not attend the Mandirs then come and talk a few negative comment as the entire community.  Most of our people attend Nest and Cabana, not Mandir.

Sir Vish M. I understand the bitterness of losing, but it is how it is.  You need to rise above.  Become a person of love and understanding as I am.

Water and oil cannot mix. Hope he can find that thing that call love.

Vishnu entire track record in Richmondhill is one of divisiveness, trouble with every religious and community leader , wild accusation against the NYPD and the list goes on.

Just ask the Phagwah committee what Vish promised and never delivered then he went on to be in between the big bruhaha that nearly caused the end of that wonderful parade.

I always maintain that although it was wrong for Ed and the others to cut off his pony tail and finger his BT, h e really had to step on those gentlemen toes for them to do that to him.

Chief Sir.  I had a very busy day working with kids and plans for another Guyana trip.  I wanted to let you know what you say is filled with so much hate against another human being.  I don't believe one deserves such disrespect.  I don't know why we do this to each other when what we need is love and understanding.  I said the same to Sir Vish M. about what he said.

Please understand, our people will not benefit when we treat each other with such disrespect.  Many people, including young ones are reading this site.  How do you feel if your children or Mr Vish M's children read such words of hate?  Then your kids will hate each other because the parents influence young kids.  Do you want this?

I read somewhere you just returned from hajj.  Sir Chief such language is unbecoming of someone just from hajj.  Hajj is a sacred journey when one cleanses the soul and seeks atonement.  One of my family just returned and he wash away all disagreements and started fresh.

Chief Sir, hate breeds hate, one person to one person, family to family then village to village then town to town then nation to nation.  This is why Guyanese suffer, this is why the rohingya suffer.  You must understand the connection between you and the rest of humanity.  If you truly connect with god, you will never go astray.  Sir Chief, I ask you to rethink your approach to people and to Sir Vish M who you do not agree with.
