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Reply to "Where is Vishnu Mahadeo?"

Princess Di posted:
Vish M posted:

The mere name of his organization

Indo Caribbean Alliance


During his runup and at many Reunions and Mandirs he is publicly stating "we need to elect abee own"

Sir Vish M, this is not the correct approach to losing.  I have to agree with the good Madame Secretary Bibi, this is a low blow.  You should not castigate the entire community over the comments of a few at the Mandir.

Sir, as a community leader you should spread love and understanding and unity.  You should not attend the Mandirs then come and talk a few negative comment as the entire community.  Most of our people attend Nest and Cabana, not Mandir.

Sir Vish M. I understand the bitterness of losing, but it is how it is.  You need to rise above.  Become a person of love and understanding as I am.

It was difficult to support someone who has hurt my community


He supported the Crook Wills to Down Zoned our community

He was always pandering to the Crook Wills

He tried to closedown Players Restaurant

He worked for more than 1 decade at the NYCEDC yet Richmond Hill got $0

The list is much longer


Vish M