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@Sheik101 posted:

True. I would stand at the front gate in my short pants and barefoot the the posse walking in. Uncles, aunties. Etc. Those big baskets had rice. DHAAL PURI and so on.  They used to come down loaded. Women had those rumal things on their heads. They would speak tamil or madrass as u call it. My mom was fluent in that. Never understood a word.

I write a lot  about my life in GY for our kids, who were born overseas.  But one of the things I regret the most, was not speaking more to my parents about their life and also audio/video record it.

My Mom had a big multi colour basket that she carried on her head and a smaller one with a handle, for going to the market. That she carried hanging on her arm.  The head wear was called a Madras rumal. 
