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@Former Member posted:

According to this news report Burnham scrapped the railway because it was uneconomical. But in 2011 the trained economist and then President Bharrat Jagdeo promised to bring back railways. Who knows, he might now influence incoming President Irfaan Ali to put it on the government's agenda.


Thanks Gil for that report. Now that Guyana might become wealthy.  It would benefit Guyanese, if the government re-establish railway service from  Rosignol to Georgetown, Vreed-en-hoop to Parika,, including Skeldon to New Amsterdam, Georgetown to the airport and  other distribution points. Railway service is a tourist attraction in other countries and Guyana has many beautiful places to show  the world. 

Is is interesting that Dr. Ptolemy Reid is mentioned in the report.  During the 1960 at Scouter  Camp Jubilee  near the CJIA. Fr. Bernard Darke took a  photograph [in my collection], of me meeting Dr. Reid, with Pastor Callighan from WCD.  Fr. Darke was killed because he was not allowed to published a paper during Dr. Reid's  government.

Fr. Darke and other scouter trainers put their lives on the line  to mix Africans and Indians in  one scout patrol at training camps, during those troubling years in Guyana.    
