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Reply to "Why AMERICA WILL STAY #1"

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Henry:

Which is why we need a restoration of Glass-Steagall, and anyone who opposes that should be properly viewed as an enemy of the masses of people who are suffering due the present collapse.

I agree with you there would be great to get back Glass-Steagall.

The present collapse has little to do with the absence of glass-stegall. It is more systemic and has to be addressed more than with this as a panacea. The same goes for the gold standard or any regime of FDRlike  mishmash of  neoMarxist Larouche ideas merging with a socialist or interventionist Galbrathian paradigm. We are in deep shit for the political separation into camps with irreconcilable differences and that is across culture, politics and economics. America has to re Americanize itself. That means rethinking of ways to reconcile with its ideals.
