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Reply to "Why AMERICA WILL STAY #1"

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by baseman:

China has it's act together, they will take action on the domestic front to spur growth.

Correct. They have no intention of sacrificing their economy to bail out a bunch of hedge fund gangsters.

The US did not bail out hedge funds but investment banks, an insurance company and an auto manufacturer.

I'm sorry, but your assessment is incorrect and appears to be just a repetition of Obama administration press releases. The bailout is far more complex than simply direct payments through the congress. For example, the so-called bailout of the auto sector was money that went directly to the counterparties of derivatives deals made by auto companies -- so really, it was a bailout of the auto industry's creditors. Those wagers should have been simply annulled, instead. Also, the Federal Reserve is far more involved in the bailouts than is the congress, but the taxpayer still ultimately pays the bill. The Fed buys up worthless pieces of crap held by hedge funds, etc., at full face value.
