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Reply to "Why is the PPP investing in tourism but not in manufacturing and agriculture?"

Originally posted by caribj:

You must be on some substance if you think that your rant about Guyana building cars, when the US has to struggle to remain competitive, despite being the largest auto market, represents any rational thinking.

have you seen me making this statement?

I do agree that even assemby plants would still be a challenge..but have the PPP tried???

have you seen me make this statement in response to TI's statement about Auto assembly plants?

There are many kinds of Assembly plants that can be established: cars, motor cycles, scooters, bicycles, Computers, large appliances to name a few.

yet you pick one tiny part to make your argument instead of focusing on the issue which is: what has the guyana government done to expand into non-traditional are are a simpleton...

one last thing but I do not want to dwell on it too much but since you brought up the you even realize why the US auto industry is failing???? when you do then you will realize why it is doing well in other countries...