seignet posted:ksazma posted:Actually if the racists win it is not only Muslims who will be threatened. Anyone who is not white and Christian will be fair game. So don't take too much comfort Sagga bai.It was to wake up the hysterical people. I think the Muslims only sees themselves as victims. They are more concerned about their group. But everybody is going to feel the heat. The comfort is, America is a great country, there will be those who will fight for liberty. Great Country sometimes goes bad by those who abuse its rights. The country is abused.
My daughter is taking summer classes this entire summer and she had a final yesterday. After she was finished with her final, she asked me if all conservatives are rich. I told her that it is more the opposite. Liberals are mostly rich. Liberal (blue) states are mostly rich. Liberals are mostly more educated and are mostly college educated. Conversely, conservatives are mostly the opposite of those mentioned above. The reason why conservatives make it sound that liberals are taking away the wealth of conservative is because that sounds better than the other reasons that conservatives are more wound up about. They are more concerned that too many people around them are not Christians. They cannot mention the word God in public places like they used to. There is too many abortions, to many gays and lesbians, too many colors and nationalities. So they feel that the country is being abused. In 1987 when I came to America, the DOW lost just over 500 points. It was nearly a 23% loss. Yesterday, the DOW lost over 600 points which was just over 3%. That is how much the US economy has grown over that 29 years span. The DOW going from just over two thousand points to at one point being over eighteen thousand points. And most of that wealth was created by liberals. Yet the conservatives keep complaining that America is so abused. It seems that the richer we get the poorer we feel. America is not suffering. Americans aren't suffering. While there can never be a safety net or everyone, there is enough for everyone. But my guess is that it is not the finances that bothers the conservatives. It is more their fear that people or the government is taking away Jesus from them (Killing Jesus - Bill O Reilley), the country is becoming to colorful, etc.
But unfortunately for those conservatives, that ship has long sailed. American can never go back to that lily white country that Trump envisions when he preach "making America Great Again". It is already great and its hue is part of its greatness. And yes, America will defeat Muslim extremists and terrorists. They have won much bigger battles than ISIS or whoever is foolish enough to threaten it. And they don't need an idiot like Trump. Obama was snuffing out Bin Laden's life at almost the same time he was joking at a dinner. And he did not need the fanfare that Bush had with his mission accomplished sign.