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Reply to "Why Trump Makes Me Scared for My Family"

Ansri should change his name. As the jews did, as the africans did, as anyone with names that cause white americans to struggle with-pronounce as well as moving up the ladder in the white society.

He is dark enough to be a South Indian. Suh, a good Tamil name is suggested.

A.R. Rahman was a presenter at an Indian award show. Perhaps, his first time. And to his disdain, he avoided. Everyone was going on and on in there Punjabi and Hindi language. They called the man to the podium to present an award. And the man spoke in Telegu. Mouths were agape. But A.R. Raham had the pleasure of defining his Tamilian lineage. That glee was in his face. Rekha just smiled.

The world has gotten to stage as when all races lived on the Plains of Shinar. People should cut all the shyte out and JUST PLAIN and simple LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

YUh start demanding yuh own spaces, invasion is imminent. 
