Chief posted:Nehru posted:Chief and his followers preach HATE daily against India, Kashmir, Infidels but being a SHAMELESS PRICK he come here and pretend he is tolerant. Give me a friggin break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That beautiful Masjid that is being constructed at Liberty Ave really hurting your head. Aye, it takes , hard work, courage and help from God to do that.
I am tolerant and keep saying that all the time.There is no hate in my heart. God knows what is in my heart, you pack of bigots can continue with your filth.
You PPP coolie racists need to stop pointing fingers for every time you point one , three pointing back at you. See how quick your comrade stubled and blurted out the truth that yes he is a racist.
Yuh Know, I profess to be a believer in Christ.
Man, I sin all the time. And Leslie could attest to that. He archived it all. Iz like I seying, he died for my sins, suh I goan make it worth his while.
I spend hours listening to the Orthodox Jews, Muslims immams(the ones that bash Christianity/Christ and as well the ones who just reads in Arabic and explains in English), Joseph Camphell, a Prof from U of T. And countless others.
I am hoping to find the God/Christ in all those expressions. And the Divine is in every one of those expressions.
Particularly, the Muslim guy(on TV) who reads in Arabic and explains in English. If I understand him correctly, you are condemned. Those of u on here, seems to have a pride issue. It is not about being a Muslim, it about your relationship to God. He call Him Allah. His explanations are just like in my Bible about the attributes of God.
Tolerance. It is meant to gauge yourself.
From what yuh write, many know what is in your heart. Yuh reveal it and God observing the effects.
You ought to be praying for the Coolie racists. And Donald Trump. Quietly. Let God listen to your petitions.
Doan be like me, I have a forgiver. Suh I can speak and seek forgiveness.