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Reply to "Wismar contextualized with the 1964 low-intensity tribal war . . . Eusi Kwayana is correct - there is no guilty "RACE""

ksazma posted:

Anyone making the claim that there is “no guilty race” in what occurred in Wismar in 1964 is at best grossly dishonest. Using the term “no guilty race” as opposed to ‘no innocent race’ is a wicked way to try to minimize the violence of blacks on Indians as well as violence of blacks on blacks who defended Indians. The keyword in both cases is ‘violence of blacks’. Unfortunately, violence of blacks continued for decades after 1964.

your post started out as a rant cussing Eusi Kwayana - a MAN morally worth more than a hundred 3-cent BIGOTS like you, btw

the pitfalls of such an approach hit immediately and yuh hussle change tactics and reworked the dutty nonsense as an abstraction

not too well as it turns out

now, at what point does the rampaging mob at Wismar become a "RACE" . . . hmmm?

the last person of note riding that mangy horse you jump on without a saddle was a lady named Kean-Gibson

remember her?

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